School Organisation

We cater for pupils aged 7 through to 16, from Year 3 to Year 11.  Assistant Principals lead of groups of classes (one for Years 3 to 8, one for years 9-11 and one for our bespoke / personalised learning provision).

Years 3 to 9 
Class Belong (Primary) - Sharon Brewer, Helen Tong and Katie Dolan
Class 7G - Hannah Griffiths 
Class 8G - Rob Gorst and Connie Earle
Class 9M - 
Class 9K - Alex Kennedy

Years 10 & 11 - Assistant Principal - Claire Hand
Class 10F - Andy Fallows and Jan Crawford
Class 10H - Lisa Hesketh and Lisa Morris
Class 11P - Paul Jones and Suzanne O'Loughlin
Class 11J - John Jones and TBC

Bespoke Learning  - Assistant Principal - Rena Wright
Nurture Base - Rena Wright, Nikki Stewart, Amy Johnstone, Ian Brownbill
Tuition / Flexi-Learning - Steve Drewry

All our pupils will experience whole class teaching, small group work teaching, paired teaching and 1:1 teaching, so they do not remain in their class groups all the time.

Each class group has its own teacher who is responsible for monitoring the progress of children within their class group.  In Key Stage 2 teachers teach their own class the majority of the time.  In Years 7 and 8 children start to move to different teachers for specialist teaching in some subjects but are taught by their form tutor for many subjects.  In Years 9, 10 and 11, children move around for specialist teaching.   Each class has a link learning support professional, who effectively supports both the learning and welfare needs of pupils throughout the day.  We have an extensive pastoral and welfare team, to ensure that all of our pupils are learning ready and any barriers to their learning are reduced, enabling them to be the best they possibly can.  Anthony Riley is our Assistant Principal with responsibility for Pastoral & Welfare provision, very ably assisted by our school guidance counsellor, three pastoral and welfare managers and our family liaison lead.

The School Day

Our school day offers 6 lessons, with a 15  minute reading session and a structured break and lunch time.  Free toast and refreshments are available during the morning break period, and at the start of each day as pupils arrive.  Lunch break is in two sittings, half is spent dining with classes dining together with their class teacher / form tutor, and half is spent having structured play / social time lead by our support staff.

The school day is organised in the following way -

900 - 930        Leadership Team meeting (staff only)
930 - 945        Staff briefing (staff only)

Pupils - 
945 - 1000     Settle and form time 
1000 - 1045   Lesson 1
1045 - 1130   Lesson 2
1130 - 1145   Break
1145 - 1230   Lesson 3
1230 - 115     Lesson 4
115 - 155      Lunch
155 - 210      Drop Everything and Read
210 - 255      Lesson 5
255 - 340     Lesson 6
340 - 345      Preparation for home time

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